Dear Mister Gonzalo Pinto Berrocal,
I'm a collaborator of notary Public Karel Vanbeylen in Belgium.
We are working on the liquidation of Tropic plant exotica Belgium, a company in which you hold 900 shares.
We have been asked by Geert Martens, in his function of judicial liquidator of the company, to formaly end the procedure of liquidation of the company TROPIC PLANTS EXOTICA BELGIUM.
Herefore I would need your: phonenumber, email and fax.
Is it possible to send me these info, as well as your current and official adress?
If I receive your emailadress and information I can email you back the invitation for the general assembly to end the comapany TROPIC PLANTS EXOTICA BELGIUM. After this general assembly the company will exist no more.
Pregunta para:
Vivero Exotica - Pinto Berrocal Gonzalo
Vivero Exotica - Pinto Berrocal Gonzalo